Zemtsov Foundation
Our mission is to uncover the hidden warmth, passion and melancholy of the viola and to share it to the world.
We wish and aim to work with talented children and young musicians in the field of solo, chambermusic and orquestra.
Financial, musical and mental coaching and supporting of young and extraordinary talent.
Acquaintance with classic music and classical instruments for young and new targetgroups.
Promoting collaborations and cross-fertilization with other art disciplins like poetry, art, photography, literature, theatre, etc.
We want to realise the above mentioned by organising:
1) Funding for grants and other financial support for talented students .
2) Music education: organisation of masterclasses, workshops, concerts for children and young musicians.
3) Recordings of cd’s, video's, and other media-projects
4) Composer's assignments : for the viola solo or in other cast
5) Stage-activities: like concerts, festivals and presentations
Present activities:
Recording debut-cd -> By crowdfunding
Zemtsov Masterclass in april/mei 2015 in succession of the succesful masterclass in april last year 2014
A Composers assignment to Vanessa Lann funded by fonds podiumkunsten. A composition will be made for different arrangements. All viola's.
Organisation of a beneficial concert conducted by Lev Markiz. The proceeds of this concert will be completely devoted to the development of non-wealthy talented students.